hmm, jux came back from work todae nia.. haahaax! ok, todae early morning dear came my hse again and to wake me up.. haahaax! den ard 10.45am liddat den leave the hse to take bus to work lor, actually b4 work, wan go suntec see my shoes de, but no time liaos, so nv go lor.. den when reach clarke quay and stomach start to hungry, went to open shop but see like no one open yet so went down to draw money and buy food.. but the ATM machine was inside the Cheers and the cheers think went to eat or wad, nid to wait til 11.40 den open lor.. den go back open shop with the help of dear and slack awhile den dear go down buy yoshinoya and bubble back up for me to eat lor.. den ard 12+ den the rest of ppl come open shop lor.. and me and dear slack and eat and chat til ard 1+ to 2+ den dear go help me go check out the price for my shoes that i wan to buy and help me see which one nicer lor.. den after dear left, got customer come in but nt buying. diaoz!! den go chat wib collegues there til 4+, called kelly and ask her wan come down pei wo.. den she sae ok lor.. den ard 5pm liddat, peggy suddenly called me and ask me where i working and i told her lor.. and she told me that she at clarke quay coming up to find me! OMG! den 5.30+, kelly also reach ler.. den at my shop chat awhile and they went to eat, dear deliverer Subway for me to eat lor.. den also larissa [boss] came down to ask got sales or nt and also pass her key cux she wan go make new keys for me lor.. den i was eating in the shop and kelly + peggy came back and they start choosing their clothes and trying all type of clothes sia.. den lucky they brought 3 item from me which actually cost $90+!! but i gave them 30% discount cux friend mahx, come support me and also no sales for that dae.. haahaax! den me and dear was helping the both of them doing their HOMEWORK!! we doing homework, they changing clothes.. diaoz!den ard 9+ liddat they finally brought it and happily left the shop.. so after they left, i tried some clothes and also leggings lor.. den wore a 4.5 inches tall high heels! cant walk! =.= but den the leggings was quite nice lor.. thinking of buying it.. den finally 9.30pm liaos, start counting money all these and close shop liaos lor.. waited for bus and took the bus and play psp til tired go sleep on dear dear lap til i reach home den dear wake me up lor.. haahaax!end here ler.. buaix! love and miss u lots dear muackz <3
Saturday, January 19, 2008
todae early morning kena waken up by dear dear call lor.. den wake up go play audition wib dear dear cux to try out the ballroom mode lor.. play til ard 11+ liddat, dear offline and come my hse here wait for me liaos.. cux lata going to yishun to mit up wib my maple guild master for lunch lor.. den mit dao dear dear liaos, took bus down to yishun and go funland play rock fever 5 lor.. den walk awhile go mit up wib guild master liaos, went to eat at sakae sushi lor.. den this lunch is guild master treat.. haha.. den she also gave me 2 pairs of earring which is she made it herself.. ^^ eat finish ler, go shop awhile ard northpoint den go chong pang there see psp pricing lor.. den she send us to go take bus to tampines cux i going to church lata..den on the bus sleep til veri shiok.. til is cux raining bah.. heeheex! den reach tampines, go take mrt to expo and call my friend lor.. she come out fetch me and dear dear hang ard expo area til i finish my church thing lor.. den after the church, went to expo there to eat malan la mian wib dear dear lor.. eat til so full sia.. haahaax! after eat ler, go take mrt back home lor.. on the way playing psp.. hahaax!!end here ler.. buaix.. love and miss u lots dear muackz <3
Thursday, January 17, 2008
todae early morning dear dear hab to call me to wak me up even i hab set alarm clock sia.. den wake up at ard 11+, slack awhile in bed den i wash up and go bath and todae going out wib dear dear!! yeah! den mit dear dear at my hse nearby and took 410 to bishan ite cux ytd we called the transitlink hotline, the person sae nid to ask skool to fax them my thing, den todae go skool, they sae cannot de.. wtf! 3 ppl saying diff thing.. =.=ok, nvm lor.. den me and dear walk to j8 to hab our lunch there and i suggest eating pizza hut cux veri long no eat liaos, dear dear order pasta, i order baked rice lor.. eat til soo full!! den eat finish, sit at pizza hut slack and talk til ard 2+ den go marina square lor.. took mrt down.. actually wan go sing kbox de, but like no mood and the time quite late liaos, so jux go walk walk lor.. went to Diva to buy my braclet and dear dear shop for clothes.. came across this shop that sell man's clothes de, den the jeans attract dao dear de attention, den go in see lor.. go in the shop, try the pants, den i saw some like jacket coat style de, ask dear to try too.. den the sale person sae got 1 quite nice, but onli got 1.. dear try on it, quite nice leh.. den brought it lor.. total $78 nia.. cheap sia.. haahaax!den buy finish the clothes, go suntec city play arcade awhile den go buy food to eat, sit at tower 2 there eat food den also slack and play psp til 6.20 go take bus home liaos.. this is the part where pissed me off!! waited for the bus soo long, non of my bus came.. in the end still go take mrt back home.. =.=!!!haiix, mrt also crowded wib ppl lor.. siianx! den dear pei wo go wait for bus, den i go home lor, and dear dear went to mit his friend for some prata eating lor.. end here ler.. buaix. love and miss u lots dear muackz <3
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
todae is me and dear dear together for 1yr6mth anniversary!! yeah! soo love and miss u wor dear.. heeheex! ok, todae went out wib dear dear together to amk hub actually wanted to catch the 12.35pm de movie which is " Le Grand Chief ", a korean cooking movie.. quite nice leh.. haaahaax! but i came late so in the end we watch 2.50pm de instead.. den meanwhile we eat our lunch at nEbO lor, den also shun bian do my member card there lor.. den when do the member card, nid to take pic de leh.. soo paiseh.. =.= den they use webcam to take photo lor.. den awhile later, while we are enjoying our food, the person deliver my member card to me lor.. haahaax! den also got free some discounts coupons for me lor.. den alot attached a paper saying if produce the paper can get Zone X nEbO play card for free lor.. den after finish my lunch, dear suggest go do lor, since is jux beside nia.. den do the card, also nid to take photo.. haahaax! den meanwhile doing, saw jun feng sia, and he told me that he got gf ler.. and is actually that " fat girl " which i dun realli like.. *she sux* den liddat lor.. nt my problem aniway~!! *l0lx*den after do finish ler, go funland play rock fever 5 lor, after play ler, go tenchi awhile cux dear dear wan check something there.. after that can go back see movie liaos.. see til almost going to 5pm, go take mrt to marina square actually i wan buy something de, but there dun hab.. haiix.. nid to go down hougang to buy it.. den meanwhile, dear dear help me call the transitlink hotline to ask abt extenting my student card lor.. den they sae nid to get my skool to fax them my things there so they can help me extent... siian!!den took mrt to hougang, brought ler and take bus home lor.. also try the " wireless lan " in our psp to try something.. den actually can sell and buy item from other player de.. haahaax! play til tired ler, sleep on dear dear de shoulder til going to reach my hse, dear dear wake me up.. haahaax! thx dear dear.. <3reach home and watch my animation that i jux rent lor.. heeheex!ending here ler, love and miss u lotsss dear muackz <3
todae morning kena wake up for 3 times sia.. 1st time is my alarm clock, snooze it and go back sleep.. den dear called me, wake me up 2nd time.. den 3rd time, dear press my hse de bell wake me up.. haiix... den after dear come my hse, i go back sleep again til ard 10+ den wake up lor.. and dear trying means and ways to wake me up.. hahahax! ok, finally wake up liaos, and dear dear using my com reading online comic sia.. den i faster go wash up and go out liaos..took bus to amk watch movie lor.. and we had movie marathon lor and is HORROR movie marathon.. ok, when me and dear was queuing to buy our snacks and drink, a mother wib 2 child cut our queue lor.. soo pissed off!! den dear oversee the movie that they watching and somemore same movie, AVP 2.. den i was like " huh? that kid look like below 16 sia, can go in watch mehx? " cux AVP 2 is rated NC 16 mahx.. den nvm lor.. when we are buying snacks, they wan go in liaos.. haiix, nv get to see wad happen there sia.. den after we buy finish, we saw them still outside like veri de unhappy lor.. LOLX! cannot go in, tio check IC.. orbi! cut our queue and when we are queuing, her child gib me that BITCHY face sia.. LOLX! ok, nvm.. 1st movie we watch is AVP 2 lor.. freaking gore and gross lor.. eeeek~! ok, after that movie, cux tooo free and early liaos, nth to do.. go and buy One Missed Call ticket lor.. den go in see, wahh, japan is the 1st who create this movie, nt scary.. english more scary lor.. den also freaking GROSS!!! ahhhhh!!!den watch finish le, go buy some food eat and bubble tea to drink and we taking bus down to changi airport lor.. cux dear wan go see T3 mahx.. newly open de.. so on the way eat our food and til half way, i fall asleep liaos.. til when reach T3, dear wake me up lor.. T3 was like soo big, got lots of food to eat but super expensive! walk the whole T3, take some photos, slack awhile and take mrt to tampines ler.. on the way, the sky was damn grey and wind is big sia.. but b4 we reach tampines, rain down liaos.. somemore is super big sia.. take til tampines, wanted to walk de, but i think will kena in rain so dun wan liaos.. instead, go interchange take bus home lor..waited for quite long bus finally come, sit on bus, both me and dear psp out liaos.. and start playing lor.. til we reach yishun den alight.. walk ard den go buy some finger food while waiting for bus lor.. den after awhile, bus finally came.. take it and all the way to home liaos.. ending here ler.. buaix! love and miss u alot alot dear muackz <3here's the picture(s) :
we are at Changi Airport Singapore T3!! *lolx*
dear took it de.. haiix.. x)
taken together wib dear dear at changi airport T3.. =]
what is dear dear doing? looking up at the sky? o.O

ahhh! dear dear kena taken w/o knowing it~~! wahahahaha

taken together again! =]

found this is Changi Airport T3!! o.O
can anione tell me what is this? so freaking gross.. found them in T3 too.. =.=
Saturday, January 12, 2008
yoz, i'm back again! and todae went out wib dear dear lor.. ok, starting from morning i wake up, stomach was in pain alrdy.. wanted to sleep more but cant, the pain woke me up.. den nvm, go over to the toilet, sit there for almost 1hr, the shyt den wan come out, but onli quite abit.. haiix, dunno wad is wrong wib my stomach arhx.. :(
den after all the nonsense my stomach give, go wash up and played my audition lor.. play til ard 11.30 den go bathe.. actually shld go out at 11.30 de, cux mitting dear at his hse de.. den i ard 12 den go out of my hse.. funniest thing is that when i go to my hse downstairs, dear dear called my phone and ask me am i out of hse liaos.. so i tot he was still at home waiting for me, nv know that after i hang the phone, listen to my music peacefully, walking up the stairs to the bridge, dear jux suddenly scare me from behind!! OMG! i stun dao lor.. nv know that he actually reach my hse nearby waiting for me to come out lor.. den dear told me he early morning went over to ICA to collect his passport lor.. hahaha!!! realli stun dao~
den took 130 to amk to had our lunch at Sumo House, and i cant even finish my food.. no appetite to eat lor.. haiix.. so dear help me settle my food, meanwhile val sms me asking me wad time to mit and where lor.. cux lata we going shopping lor.. so after eat finish ler, go play rock fever and took mrt down to somerset mrt to wait for val lor.. we reach ler, she haben even reach, she like lost her way liaos.. *diaoz*
mit dao her liaos, she went over to cine to had her lunch lor.. den after that chat awhile, go shop shop at cine, after cine go heeren lor.. after both shopping center shop finish liaos, go Clarke Quay The Central shop lor.. so we walk the long long way to plaza sing, took the train and reach there liaos.. den go shop for clothes lor.. den val like dun dare to try clothes, so me and dear keep on ask her to try clothes so she will know whether suit her or nt lor.. den after buy ler, go outside where is the singapore river de, sit there chat and the weather is like going to rain ler.. ghey clouds + winddy wind.. sooo cooling~~~
chat til ard 6+, finally start drizzling ler.. head over to subway had our dinner and chat lor.. chat til like ard 7+, took mrt home and val went over to find her bf lor.. den dear send me home and dear also went home liaos..
shld end here liaos.. buaix buaix~! i love and miss u alot alot alot dear muackz <3

dear wib the hat~! haha, realli doesn't suit u! but i like it.. wahahahah
yoz, i'm back! and todae is dear dear de last dae working liaos.. cux dear dear quited the job liaos.. haha.. and todae went out wib rachel to go out shop lor.. 1st, we mit each other at bishan interchange den go ask abt the card thingy that kena taken away from the bus driver.. haiix.. suay lor rachel.. haha
den 2nd, rachel cant recall wad bus number she took and she tot is 162, go travel all the way to YCK to ask abt the card thingy again.. den again they sae dun hab and the person ask rachel to leave down her name and contact number lor.. after that, we took mrt to clarke quay lor.. cux planning to go there shop.. haha.. den while on the way go down, the person called back rachel and told her that her card was found but nid 5 working daes to collect.. " like jux-follow-law huh? " haha! den finally reach clarke quay, faster go down to B1 had our lunch lor.. habing difficulty choosing wad we wan to eat.. but in the end still go still yoshinoya.. cux rachel hab buddy meal coupons mahx.. wahahah! after eat ler, rachel suggest taking photos lor, but in the end i was the 1 kena taken photos.. haiix..
after that, went over to buy small mini donuts lor.. den go shop ard, bringing her go see expensive rings.. haha.. that's me! wahahah! den after that go mapleaf, wanted to let her see the clothes that i brought, but in the end i still brought another top there.. but got 30% discount larhax.. haha.. den go walk walk shop somemore, came across this shop, hidden at 1 corner, den jux go in see see, den the boss jux come and serve as lor.. den she like pick up afew clothes let me see den i saw 1 quite nice, is off-shoulder de.. den i go try and + a belt, ehh, quite nice leh.. den she discount til become veri cheap for me lor.. actual price nt that cheap.. haha.. but we chat quite alot and she wan recruit ppl work as part time.. den i jux gave her my name and contact number lor.. i dun mind working there cux is veri SLACK!!! wahahaha
den ard 6+, dear came over to find me lor.. went over to LJS eat and took mrt back to bishan and take bus home liaos.. reach home put in A-Cash into my acc and brought x2 exp for me and dear lor.. cux wan chiong liaos.. guildmate now habing exam, chiong b4 he can reach my lvl!!! wahahah~~~ hmm, shld end here liaos.. quite late ler.. this is jan 11 post.. i play maple til 2+ now den blog.. haha.. buaix buaix..
ove and miss u lots lots lots dear muackz <3
this is the off-shoulder dress and the white belt~~

this is the top that i brought at Mapleaf de.. heeheex~!
hmm, todae nth to sae abt but todae whole dae at home chionging my show lor.. den evening went to amk to meet dear dear lor.. den actually wanted to gib dear dear a surprise de, by buying ice cream and gib him eat but in the end i still call him come find me and choose which ice cream to eat lor.. den after we buy ler, eat and walk in amk hub lor.. den we are like soo sweet, eat and chat and playing ard lor.. den go B1 brought some food to eat and also shop awhile lor..den after that go buy bubble tea and go tenchi awhile.. on the way going back, my mum called me and ask me to go help my bro to buy jam lor.. den go back amk hub again to shop for jam.. haahaax! den dear send me to bus stop den i go home liaos.. den i also ask dear dear help me go hougang return my cds lor.. end here liaos.. love and miss u lots dear muackz <3
todae so happy sia, cux going out wib dear dear to shopping lor.. heeheex! den early morning dear dear came my hse to fetch me go amk eat mac breakfast lor.. den the unlucky thing happen.. my jacket til chilli / tomato sauce lor.. haiix.. den dear dear help me take to toilet and help me clean it lor.. heeheex! thank you dear dear..
den after breakfast, we sit at mac for ard 15min jux to decide where to go nxt lor.. den 1st dear dear sae go tampines walk, but too early go there walk, lata no place to go liaos.. den i decide to go The Central lor.. so, we took bus to clarke quay and go shop at The Central lor.. den when to this shop call " Mapleaf " cux previous saw 1 clothes quite nice de.. and this shop sell korean clothings which is quite nice.. went to tried afew clothes den decide to buy 1 clothes which is actually can be a top or a jacket by itself.. wow! den cux i was the 1st customer in the shop, the sales gal gave me 10% discount.. wow, that's good! heeheex! after brought that clothes liaos, went to shop the whole of the shopping center and took bus to bedok interchange and change bus to tampines lor.. den me and dear was playing psp on the bus, nt knowing that we actually reach the place liaos.. haahaax.
den go tampines, go eat pastamania for our lunch and also shop awhile lor.. den go arcarde play rock fever again.. the got 3 malay gal there playing den we put in the coin 1st lor, den i dunno she dun understand eng or wad larhx, go play the MAGIC mode den she lose, she go press continue.. =.=! den i jux ask her to return us $1 back lor, cux she uses our money to play wad.. haahaax!!!! den me and dear played 2 rounds lor.. thinking when can we advance to 11 stars and above de? haiix.. den after play finish ler, walk ard more den take 969 to yishun lor.. but we waited for the 2nd bus to come cux 1st bus too many ppl liaos.. den on bus play psp again lor, til i tired, off psp and went to sleep on dear de shoulder liaos.. til yishun den dear dear wake me up lor..
haiix, sooo tired sia.. den go the mrt there got the pay hp bill machine, go there pay ler, go northpoint walk walk awhile den go home liaos.. b4 going home, go buy quill egg and eat lor.. ^^
den on the way home also play psp.. haahaax! den reach home, bro brought back my dinner for me to eat lor, den i continue watching my vcd ler..
ending here liaos.. love and miss u lots dear muackz <3

the top / jacket that i brought.. nice ehh?
Saturday, January 05, 2008
hmm, todae when to dear de office to find dear dear lor.. den after meet dao dear dear, took bus down to cine to eat chicken rice lor.. den when reach somerset, raining so heavy sia.. haiix.. den when walk to cine, shoes all wet ler.. haiix.. den go eat chicken rice and den i went over to taka to find my ex-collegue working there lor..den after that, walk to somerset to take mrt to suntec to play arcarde awhile lor.. den when wan to walk back, the rain is more heavy lor.. haiix.. den go mrt station, hab to wait for another mrt to come lor, cux the 1st mrt sooo packed wib ppl.. haiix.. den the 2nd mrt that came, nt that much ppl as the 1st one... haahaax! after finish playing arcarde, dear go take bus den i go take mrt to changi airport lor, cux todae my second bro going back to aus ler.. den reach there, took skytrain to terminal 1 to find my parents lor.. den meet dao them, wait for my bro de gf to reach lor.. after my bro go in ler, his gf drove us to eat den after that drove us back to our hse lor.. hmm, shld end here ler.. buaix! love and miss u lots dear muackz <3
hmm, todae finally can go out wib dear dear ler.. yeah! so happy sia!!! den meet dear dear 12+ at city hall mrt station lor, cux todae dear dear become a singaporean ler!! gratx dear dear, muackz! den meet dao dear, go get the maplestory 2008 4th job calendar at suntec lor.. heng i got bring enuff a-cash card to exchange for 3 poster lor, cux dear wan get 1 for his half-sis mahx.. haahaax.. den after that went to eat pepper lunch lor.. eat til so full sia! heeheex! after eat ler, slack awhile den walk to bugis shop lor.. shop finish the parco, go bugis street walk lor.. den walk the lvl 1, den feel like doing my nails lor, cux breaking soon liaos.. haiix! den go lvl 2 saw this shop doing nails de, den go in try lor.. den the person recommend me to put extention for 1 of my finger cux the nail break til hardly see the white nail ler, den do lor.. den the another hand which is the soon going to break de, the person help me repair it lor, den i dun nid cut nails, can continue to grow longer.. heeheex! den do like almost 1 hr for everything sia.. and is quite nice too.. heeheex! after do finish ler, wan to go home, raining so big sia, heng dear dear got bring umbrella lor.. haiix.. den dear send me home cux i nid to go out wib family to hab the last dinner for my bro cux tml he going back to aus ler.. haiix..den reach home, saw my second bro de gf helping him to pack his things lor.. den go out hab dinner together.. eat til so full sia.. hab steamboat + sweet sour pork + fried egg as our dinner.. heeheex! den after dinner, head to drink coffee for them lor.. after that, we go home den my bro and his gf go dating lor..ending here ler, buaix~! love and miss u lots dear muackz <3thank you for accompany me todae to go out shopping and pei wo do my nails.. heeheex! love you!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
hiiye! todae finally can see dao dear dear liaos.. cux todae evening going down to hougang to return cd and rent another part of the show i watching lor.. actually todae nth realli happen lor, jux that evening meet dao dear dear so happy sia. den go return cd, buy bubble tea and curry puff and go dear dear hse pei dear dear take his cert to photocopy lor, cux dear dear tml morning got job interview mahx.. heeheex! hmm, tml can go out wib dear dear liaos.. yeah! *happy happy*den after all these, dear dear send me home lor.. end here ler, buaix~! love and miss u alot dear muackz <3
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
hiiye! todae is the start of '08 liaos.. and todae me and dear dear going out ler! yeah!! meeting dear at 1pm but i late for 20mins.. haahaax! sorriie dear dear..den took mrt to clarke quay and shop at The Central.. 1st we cant decide wad to eat for our lunch cux we are stuck in between of 2 resturant that we like to eat.. 1 is yoshinoya, 1 is pepper lunch.. haiix.. den after dear made the decision, in the end we go eat yoshinoya instead.. haahaax! after eat ler, went to buy the small donut.. is nt jux small, is MINI!! wow! is cute but .. is expensive! 12 mini donuts for $4.. wow! den we choose 2 each lor.. quite nice de.. haahaax! den we went over to shop at the japanese market lor.. wow! alot of japan stuff sia.. some in normal supermarket nv sell sia.. =] den shop ard the supermarket lor, den brought 2 kit kat which is new flavour, and one somehow like oreo de cookie.. den we also saw coffee in cute container.. haahaax.. den after we brought ler, go walk the whole shopping center..den dear go ask abt the price of couple ring in The Kiss Couple lor, cux on net see the one veri nice mahx, den the person sae 1 ring of couple ring [ nt 1 pair.. is 1 ring!!] is $200+!! OMG! so expensive! but veri nice lor.. den walk some other shop, see 1 pair of earring, nice but cost $19.90! !!!! sooooo expensive!! haiix.. den go shop see got clothes that i can buy for new year de mahx.. den when to this shop called " Mapleaf " . is a korean shop selling nice korea clothes, and i saw 2 top nice.. feel like buying sia.. haahaax! den continue to walk lor, til got 1 shop, the auntie keep on pushing me to try her clothes sia.. -.- so wad sia, the pattern doesn't realli fit the taste, she think is nice on me.. -.- somemore i nt buying lor.. haiix! typical sales auntie sia.. =.=den saw some sunglasses lor, dear tried some, and dear wib sunglasses look nice!! OMG! haahaax.. den after the shopping, find starbuck coffee and order coffee and potato salad and slack there lor... til ard 5+, dear nid to go home liaos, cux dear got family dinner lor.. haiix.. hao xiang ni arhx! took mrt til potong pasir and change bus home lor.. haahaax! ending here ler, love and miss u lot dear muackz <3here's the pic of todae :
japan c0ffee packeting.. look cool huh? =]
caramal kit kat, brandy & orange kit kat, black cocoa " oreo " biscuit
dunno wad dear dear doing sia.. =]